
A Mesos framework for Distributed Simulated Annealing.


Faleiro (The Scheduler)

Faleiro performs orchestration and assigning tasks to agents. It makes sure your job gets done.

Enrique (The Executor)

Enrique is responsible for pulling and executing tasks on remote agents. It receives orders from Faleiro.

Miguel (The Scheduler CLI)

Miguel is a CLI which communicates with Faleiro over its REST API.

Circumnavigator (Web User Interface)

If you like GUIs, Circumnavigator is the graphical analogue to Miguel.

Victoria (Development Environment)

Victoria is a development and production environment deployment tool. It can bring up your dev environment and a huge production cluster with a single click (vagrant up).

Traveling Sailor (TSP Solver using Simulated Annealing)

traveling-sailor is the official Magellan example Problem.


pyrallelsa is the Magellan library that has the Problem definition interface in Python which you can use to define your problem for use with Magellan.